Subscribe to our Barnyard Bulletin and keep up to date on all that’s new at our farm sanctuary! Each newsletter contains lots of informative and fun features:
- Inspiring stories about our latest arrivals
- Fun Facts about farm animals
- Ways you can help animals in need
- Upcoming events
Check out previous issues of our newsletters!
2024 Fall Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- Who’s New: Hens KJ and Bertha, Turkeys Willie, Cash, Jennings Jr., Charlie D. , Nash and Dawn the Duck
- Bonnie & Owen: A Safe Haven Love Story
- Co-Founders Ellen and Bill Crain’s NY Times Letter to the Editor
2024 Summer Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- Who’s New: Billy the Goat and Birdie the Hen
- Reasons we love chickens!
- The 2024 Goat Games are coming!
- Compassion Corner: Efforts to shut down live markets.
- We earned our Gold Seal of Transparency by Guide Star.
2024 Spring Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- Big thanks to YOU for your support and love for Gus and Chance, and an update on their road to recovery.
- Who’s New: Roosters Comet, Orion and Diesel; Hen Wendy; Turkeys Rhodes and Miles.
- Compassion Corner: The hard truth about baby chicks for sale at your local feed stores.
- Safe Haven co-founder Bill Crain’s new book, Animal Stories, Lives at a Farm Sanctuary, is officially released for purchase. It is available on Amazon and Bookshop.
- VegWeek is the perfect time to get inspired. Take steps toward a compassionate lifestyle that also helps the planet. A vegan diet has many environmental benefits such as reducing energy consumption and conserving water. Click here to read more about the benefits of veganism.
2024 January Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- A “Thank You” to our generous community and how your support made a difference in 2023.
- Who’s New: Tommy the rooster and turkeys Dolly, Waylon and Jennings
Co-founder Bill Crain’s new book Animal Stories, Lives at a Farm Sanctuary – a collection of short, easy-to-read, and moving stories about rescued farmed animals who have found a loving, lifelong home at Safe Haven Farm Sanctuary.
- It’s Veganuary! This web site has tons of helpful information and tips. All resources on this web site are FREE including a celebrity vegan e-cookbook!
2023 Fall Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- Who’s New: Roosters Acorn, Chestnut, Sawyer, Bandit and Poncho; Turkey Penelope; Peeps Camila, Erin Spirit and Rambo; Ducks Dylan, Chloe and Luna.
- Co-founder Bill Crain participated in the Serve the Animals Summit.
- Upcoming Event: Thanksgiving Celebration for the Turkeys!
2023 Summer Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- Cole’s 1st Birthday!
- An art show to support Safe Haven.
- Sun Shelter for the Pigs.
- Veggie garden is coming to life.
- Pig barn flood!
- A touching essay by our social media specialist titled “A Mother is a Mother”.
- Safe Haven is participating in the Annual Goat Games!
2023 Spring Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- An update on Houston’s pain relieving eye surgery.
- We welcomed a precious sheep family in need. Mama Nora and her babies Andi and Gizmo are thriving!
- Safe Haven’s new Kids’ Farm Animals Club.
- A visit by the students at Dutchess Boces.
- Celebrating Earth Day with our friends at the Beekman Library.
- Help us ban horse-drawn carriages.
- Safe Haven earned a Candid Silver Seal of Transparency on Guide Star!
2023 January Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- Thank you for your support in 2022!
- Who’s New at Safe Haven: Roosters Smokey, Mushroom, Casper and Racer; Hens Paulina, J.J, Boo, Kelly, Emma and Emily; “Peeps” Maria, Zach, Star, Chanel and Sally; Jasper the Duck
- Harvey the rescue pup joins our family!
- Sweet Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas
- Compassion Corner: Co-Founder Bill Crain testifies in NJ against plan to resume Black Bear Hunt
2022 Fall Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- Who’s New at Safe Haven: A fiery rooster named Ember and two spunky ducks named Freckles and Speckles.
- Safe Haven featured in a NY Times article highlighting the recent uptick in the surrendering of “pandemic pets”. Plus, an article written by one of our Board Members titled “The Oasis of Love”. Click here to read both articles on our Publications page.
- A video update on Flo and Cole, plus Flo’s friendship with another rescued cow named Ebb.
2022 Summer Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- New Faces on the Farm: Ducks: Robin, Raven, Starling, Sparrow, River, Raine and Angie; Hens: Buttercup, Bubbles, Blossom, Lili, Cinnamon, Misty and Reba; Turkey Korra; Piglet Caleb; Calf Cole – an unexpected birth at Safe Haven!
- A collection of Cow Cuteness to say Thank You for your support, including a “Flo tote” featuring a stunning new design.
- Enjoy a video about Cole’s arrival into the world.
- Compassion Corner: Bringing awareness to animal cruelty at state and county fairs.
Four Sanctuary Projects: Sheep Crossing a New Bridge; A Stronger Fence for Owen; Roosters’ Bachelor Pad; Mowing and Bees
Adorable, handcrafted earrings featuring Safe Haven’s rescued cows.
2022 April Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- An Update on Flo the Cow.
- Compassion Corner: Sign the petition to help cows like Flo.
- Take the Veg Pledge during Veg Week.
- New Videos: Houston, a Rescued Horse; Rescued cows Luke, Romeo and Florence join the herd.
- A New Essay by Bill Crain article highlighting the importance of motherhood.
2022 Special Edition “Feathered” Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- New Faces on the Farm: 23 rescued chickens (including our “bachelor flock” consisting of 8 roosters!) and 1 adorable duck named Chip!
- A new space designated just for roosters who sadly are the ones most often in need of homes.
- Reasons to eliminate chicken and eggs from your diet including vegan chicken alternatives and vegan egg substitutes.
2022 January Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- A BIG Finish to 2021 – Thanks to you, we were able to welcome so many rescued farmed animals the second half of 2021 that we need to share their inspiring stories with you in two editions! So, please stay tuned for a special follow up “Feathered Edition” of our Barnyard Bulletin featuring 23 rescued chickens and 1 adorable duck!
- Meet our new Board Members
- New Faces on the Farm: Rabbits Cinco & Candela and Cosmo; Calves Luke and Rome; Ebb the Cow and Houston the Horse.
- Co-founder Bill Crain’s new book: Forever Young: How Six Great Individuals Have Drawn upon the Powers of Childhood and How We Can Follow Their Lead.
- Fun Facts about Rabbits
- Make the switch to plant based milk
2021 Summer Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- A Gift for You – A Safe Haven Swag bag to say Thank You for your Support
- A touching video by Co-Founder, Bill Crain, about 4 cows that now call Safe Haven home
- New Faces on the Farm: Roosters Kai and Jay; Lambs Willow and Finn; hens Peggy, Agatha and Azula; Ducks Austin, Reese and Frankie; Baby Goats Max and Tyler
- Fun Fact about Roosters
2021 April Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- New Faces on the Farm: Piglets Sugar & Spice, turkeys Izzy & Georgie, hens Rocky, Britt and Snowflake
- Fun Fact about the rooting behavior of pigs
- Compassion Corner: New feature focusing on all things compassionate! In this edition, we are giving you answers to your questions about being vegan, a list of the best vegan products, and a way for you to take action and help end corporate animal abuse.
- Have you herd: Update on Tour season; new Chewy wishlist; new video from Bill Crain sharing the touching behavior of animals responding to loss
2021 January Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- Fall in love with 4 cows – Owen & Matteo and Ethel & Surprise – the first cows to call Safe Haven home!
- Meet pigs Thelma & Louise; turkeys Bell and Sophie & Jenny; and a lots of chickens – the Brooklyn Bunch, Guinivere & Dixie and Emme
- Fun Facts about Cows
- Meet pigs Thelma & Louise; turkeys Bell and Sophie & Jenny; and a lots of chickens – the Brooklyn Bunch, Guinivere & Dixie and Emme
- Thank you to phenomenal vegan companies making a difference.
2020 September Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- “Thank You” to our compassionate community for your response to our Summer Wishlist
- Featured Farm Friend: Shimon the lamb (a.k.a. “Bo”)
- New Faces on the Farm: Hens: Rosie, Brooklyn, “Iowa Girls”; Ducks: Elle, Ava & Quinn, Cassidy, Bridgette
- Fun Facts about Ducks
- Have you herd? Plant based revolution article by Joy Gomez; Gracie Mae the potbelly pig’s transformation video; Sanctuary Tour web site with podcasts featuring Safe Haven; Give and Take video featuring Co-founder Ellen Crain; Co-founder Bill Crain’s video lecture on Instinct & Imprinting
2020 Spring Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- Could you use a smile? This edition is dedicated to lifting the spirits of our compassionate community during the pandemic.
- New Faces on the Farm: Piglets Maisy, Zoey, Digger & Archie; hens Penelope, Little Star & Cher Ami; Sheep family Mama Mary, Aunt Mae & Baby Roo
- Featured Farm Friends: Donkeys Jesse & Carson + Fun Facts about donkeys
- Videos brought to you by our farm family guaranteed to bring “warm and fuzzy” results!
2020 January Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- Thanks to you for a monumental year
- New location: More space to rescue more lives
- Our Growing Family is Feeling the Love: Mack, “Fantastic Four” ducks, Riley, Shaye, Regina, Lizzie & Rachel, Gus & Charlotte, Petunia, Jet, Penny, Ginger, “Brooklyn Peeps”, the “Fire Boys” Baelfire and Firefly
- Featured Farm Friends: Jules, Irene & Virginia – An Epic Reunion
- Looking forward to a brand new year
2019 Spring Newsletter – Stories in this newsletter include:
- New arrivals: Felix & Adler, Milly, Rose & Carmela, Jesse, Lola & Edwina
- Fun Facts about Goats
- Safe Haven awarded Verified status by the Global Federation of Animal Sanctuaries
- Become a Champion for Animals
- Recalling a Life: Exposing the sad truth about product recalls
- Making Headlines: Bill Crain called the O.G. of animal activism; Milo the goat defends his mother Bessie
Fall Newsletter 2018 – Stories in this newsletter include:
- Safe Haven’s 10th Anniversary – Celebrating 10 years of animal rescue
- New arrivals: Goats Nellie & Lilah, Pepper the peep, Gracie Mae the potbelly pig
- Happy 10th Birthday to Emma the turkey
- Celebrity vegan spotlight: Paul McCartney
- Fun facts about pigs
June Newsletter 2018 – Stories in this newsletter include:
- New arrivals: Hudson, Courage, Daisy, Pennsylvania Peeps, Patrick, The “Frizzle” Girls, and The Georgia Girls
- Celebrity vegan spotlight: James Cromwell
- Fun facts about chickens
- Bill Crain, Safe Haven co-founder, receives PETA award
Fall Newsletter 2017 – Stories in this newsletter include:
- New Arrivals: Diego, Gertie, Brittany, Nellie, Harry, Leia, Stella, Nora, and Sunny
- Excerpt from Bill Crain’s talk at the Left Forum, NYC
- New quarantine area
Spring Newsletter 2017 – Stories in this newsletter include:
- New arrivals: Villette, Edna, Cesar and Ruby.
- Facts about chickens.
- Angel is recovering.
- Sheep shearing at Safe Haven
- Upcoming events.
Fall Newsletter 2016 – Stories in this newsletter include:
- Belle and Penny (hens), silkie chicks, Calvin and Chloe (turkeys)
- Exposing Animal Abuse: transportation and slaughter of turkeys
- Celebrity Spotlight: Casey Affleck
- Recipe: Roasted Butternut Squash.
Spring Newsletter 2016 – Stories in this newsletter include:
- Silky and Satin (lambs), Amos (rooster), Ardsley (hen), Keme, Al and Barney (rabbits)
- Fun Facts about Sheep
- Exposing Animal Abuse: mulesing in the wool industry
- Celebrity Spotlight: Russell Simmons.
Fall Newsletter 2015 – Stories in this newsletter include:
- Leo, Chance, Cleo and Chloe, Otis
- Pig Fun Facts
- Protection of Farmed Animals in America.
Spring Newsletter 2015 – Stories in this newsletter include:
- Heather and Ginger Join Our Family (new chickens)
- Burdock the Bantam Rooster
- Wedding at the Farm
- Memories of Fred, Sprinkles and Daisy
- Exposing Animal Abuse.
Newsletter Fall 2014 Stories in this newsletter include:
- New Arrivals from Watkins Glen
- Chickens Roost in Trees
- Barn Additions
- A Second Island for our Pond
- Exposing Animal Abuse
- Bill’s New Book
Newsletter Summer 2014 Stories in this newsletter include:
- New at Safe Haven: Barn Extension, Duck Island, New Goat Family
- New Meaning of “Bird Brain”
- Duck Rescue: Mike the Mallard
- Roo the Rooster
- The New Wyandotte Hens